I had always wanted to make it up to the San Francisco area and the chance finally came when my wife and I were invited to come up for the weekend to celebrate my wife Hannah’s, Aunt’s 90th birthday. I had never been to San Francisco before so this gave me an opportunity to visit some of the amazing places the San Francisco area has to offer, and to capture some images at the same time.
The first image is a view of the Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Point. Definitely misjudged the waves and got extremely soaked by a rogue wave.

After scouting out the are around Fort Point, I knew right away that I wanted to get the old rustic chain in the foreground of an image with Fort Point and the Golden Gate Bridge. This would require quite a bit of Depth of Field in order to get everything in focus. I used a f-stop of f/16 with focal length of 14mm. For this shot I had to use the tripod in order to make sure everything remained sharp in the image due to the 1/100 of a second exposure.

The next image is one of the many trails in Muir Woods National Monument. There is nothing like being amongst the California Redwoods as the sun comes up. As the sun came up, there was steam coming off of the plants and vegetation due to the high humidity.

Last but not least is an image of the Japanese Tea Garden where we walked through and had some tea. This place is amazing to walk through and was such a serene and peaceful place.