Welcome to Brent Bremer Photography
Brent currently lives in Lancaster California. Lancaster is about 60 miles north of Los Angeles. Lancaster is located in an area called the Antelope Valley, which is in the High Desert. Being in the desert there is an abundance of your normal desert flora and fauna. The unique location of Lancaster places you about an hours drive from either the desert, mountains, or the beaches.
Brent’s interest in photography started when he was 8 years old. His dad had a Ham Radio room that he set up to double as a darkroom. He did this after buying Brent a camera and a developing kit for Christmas that year. Brent’s dad spent time with him to show all that was involved with creating a photograph. Brent thought it was amazing to have an image develop on that piece of paper. This held his interest for about a year, but at that time in his life he was interested in many hobbies and photography sort of went to the wayside.
The next time he picked back up photography was when he was in the United States Air Force and was stationed in England for 3 and a half years. Since he was traveling quite a bit, photography was a way for him to keep a record of all his travels so that he could share them with family and friends. Brent had a Minolta XD-5 with a couple of lenses. He would take each roll of film to the base exchange to have them processed. He would then wait very patiently the several days to see the results. One of the big advantages of today’s digital cameras is that you can instantly see the result.
After getting married and having kids, his main focus on photography was in taking pictures and home movies of the family and their adventures.
In 2010 his interest in photography really took off. He purchased a Nikon D7000 with the kit lens. The photography bug had now come full circle and had struck again. Since 2010, he learned all that he could and grew with each photograph he took. He looked toward some of the great photographers online and learned from their techniques and photographs.
Brent’s primary interest lies in Landscape and Wildlife Photography. On a smaller scale, he also likes Aviation Photography and Creative Photography.
We hope you enjoy his Blog and viewing the images he has placed in the Galleries section of this site.