Well it had definitely been an adventurous last several days for me in Death Valley California.
The first four images are of the Zabriskie Point area, just after sunrise. What a great place for all different types of rock formations and landscape.
The next image is one of myself at Teakettle Junction on the way to the Racetrack Playa.
For this part of the trip I had to rent a Jeep and travel about 27 miles into the desert to camp out overnight. Teakettle Junction is at mile 21. People from all over the world bring teakettles to place at this spot. It is supposed to bring them good luck.
The last two images took a great deal of effort. After getting to the Playa, I walked many miles that day scouting for the famous moving rocks and the one that looked best to me. The rocks here leave trails behind them under wet and windy conditions. It used to be a great mystery of just how they move, as no one had ever actually seen them move. This is the only place in the world that I know of where they move due to this phenomena. After finding the right rock and trail, I came back at 3:00pm and waited out the until sunset to capture the image with the sunburst at sunset.
The last two images were after I went back out to the Playa from 1:00am to 5:00am. This is a 30 second exposure with the moon lighting up the Playa. It was an amazing feeling to be the only person on this entire Playa that early morning.
Jeep rental, off-roading for 27 miles, hiking, sleeping in the tent, totally worn out, but images and an experience that was priceless.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.